Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Winter's Song

by me

The frost covers the cold ground,

It traces pictures on the windows,

It makes the world icy, cold, and white.

It’s winter.

Snow is coming!

Rush to the store!

Buy soup!

Buy milk!

The big white fluffy snowflakes fall to the ground,

My feet make them crunch beneath my feet,

I pick a handful, and pack it hard,

I wait patiently for my victim to walk around the corner.

I awake to the twinkling Christmas lights above me,

Shining like beautiful, mysterious stars,

I slip on my fuzzy slippers, and pull on my bathrobe.

I walk silently to the tree,

I sit in wonder and awe of its elegance.

It’s Christmas.


Erin said...

This is wonderful. :) I loved it.

Hannah said...

Thanks Erin! :)