Monday, September 22, 2008

Living Life in the Moment

I begin to realize just how important little moments really are. Words are constantly jumbling about in my head, looking for a way onto a page...any way. As long as they get out. Countless times I will be reading a book, and realize about three paragraphs later that I haven't been paying any attention at all to what I've been reading, but that I've been thinking up some new clever character.
I love my writing, it's a huge part of my life, and it's a part of me now. Sometimes I can be completely surrounded by people, and not realize that I'm not the only one in the room. For when I'm being inspired by nature, or music, or anything else; my imagination takes hold and runs wild. Leading me to and fro, searching for new ground to cover.
This God given gift has also taught me to pick up little details, to realize that small things matter too. Just one adjective in a good sentence, can make it not just good...but DELICIOUS!
I've learned to pick up on emotions, or change of tones with my friends. I always know if they are truly happy, or if they're putting on a show.
Remember people. Spend time with them. Love them. For life is a short, but very great adventure. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow, or the day after that. Many hardships can be thrown your way, you just have to learn how to cope with them...really cope with them. Not smiling for everyone else, but then locking your bedroom door and crying yourself to sleep. No...learning how to trust. How to trust one that's greater then us. The ultimate decision maker. Our father, and our true Love.