Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Looking forward to what's in store...

Looking forward to what's in store was what I felt was best to title this post. Lately my life's been packed full of blessings from God (my Daddy)! He's made it possible for me to live and breath! He sent me ALL the funds I needed to go to a camp that He's going to use to change my life.
Tonight, I watched Come What May for the first time. It's an amazing movie! It was made by Advent Film Group, who is dedicated to making wholesome Christian movies that glorify God and teach good morals. The movie discusses Roe v. Wade, and the life of a fetus. It presents a very powerful message, and I recommend it to everyone!
No one can fathom how much God's love is for us! I've only caught a glimpse of it so far in my life, but I know that without it, I would be nothing.
I was very encouraged by the movie, in some choices I've made in my own personal life. God's called us to glorify Him, and let others know about his everlasting love! I think that what Advent Film Group is doing is absolutely amazing. They are now in the pre-production stage of making another film, and have many other ideas in the works.
I have a challenge for anyone who reads this (if anyone reads this). Dedicate your summer to trying to delve deeper into the love of God. It's well worth your time, and won't be a waste.
